Reframing Non-informational Materials

 For there to be good governance in any system, there is need for the parties that are involved talk. This should apply to all the leaders be it a leader in an organization or a leader in a state. There is need for dialogues among these people who are involved as this is the only way that good decisions will be made. In addition, with different views from different people, it will be possible to come up with a better solution to the problem that needs to be solved. A good leader is one who is always ready to listen to what other people have to say on the plan that needs to be implemented. (Benjamin, 2009)

In this case therefore, it would be a great idea that the governor makes a number of consultations to different people before implementing her ideas. Even though they may be great ideas, it is advisable that she gets the real situation as it is in the field. It is necessary that she consults all those people that are in the fields that are involved.

Among the major persons that she should consult are the persons who are the head of the criminal justice systems and all the other departments that will be involved.  The reason is that these people are the ones who are actually involved in the correctional activities and this is the field that she wants to make some changes. This means that these are the people who actually know the real activities that take place on the ground. This means that they are the ones who actually know whether the project or the developments will have positive of negative effect to the entire criminal justice system. (Paul, 1999)

In addition, because she plans to change some of the policies in the criminal justice system such as reducing some sentences, it would also be advisable that she seeks some advice from the policy makers. These are the people who make policies depending on the intensity of the criminal activities that needs to be implemented. They are therefore the ones who are sure of the effect that reducing these sentences will have to the society. They are also at a better place in offering the governor advice on her developments. (Benjamin, 2009)

Among the people that should be appointed in her task force are the head of all those areas that will be affected by her development. This is because they are the ones who are well informed of the problems or challenges that might arise due to these developments. They also have the back ground information concerning what needs to be done so that better results can be realize. In the same task force, the governor should include some of those cabinet ministers who were supporting her and those from the other parties. This is because, these are the same people that she would use in her next campaign and therefore, being in the task force makes them have a good base for the governors next elections. (Shafritz, 2008)

To these individuals that the governor wants to serve in the task force, she should use a soft and encouraging language. She should use statements such as It is time for change in our systems or Let us embrace change in this era. Such types of statements would make these individuals believe that indeed the governor just wants to have some change in the system and that it has nothing to do with her re-election. In addition, they will give their best in the task force and they will not feel as if they are being used by the governor. However, the governor should use a very friendly and formal language and where possible, she should personally request each and every one of these individuals for their participation in the task force. However, the governor should summon each one of them to her office as this would be more official and eliminate any doubts that the governor has some personal plans in it. (Paul, 1999)

However, she should approach these people differently. For the members of cabinet who happen to support her in the elections, she should give them information in full. She should tell them that apart from the change being better for the society, this is their strategy of the next election. She should tell them about it in a partys private meeting as this would be more convenient. However, to the rest of the groups which are involved, she should only tell them about the need for change. This should be strictly on official meetings which have not extra businesses.

The governor should deliver this message to the public through a press conference using the media. However the wording should be informal where the media personality may be allowed to ask questions. The governor should have a metaphor or rhetoric questions with the theme of the development such as Recession Eviction time is now where she should talk about increasing the revenues without having to increase taxes. She can also use other rhetoric such as How do we eliminate criminal activities and reduce long sentences Or she may use rhetoric such as How do we become number one crime free state in the world (Paul, 1999)

The governor may expect some tough questions from the media personalities such as whether this has something to do with the next elections strategies. She should maintain that the main aim for this is to ensure that there is good leadership and that every person lives in peace and have a better life. Using the comments that the governor gets from the media and the reaction from the public, she should be able to assess whether it is necessary to go ahead and have the task force. In case there is sharp negative reaction from the public, she should try to come up with some other strategies and forget about this one.

There may be some barriers to communication that may arise from the different people who are selected in the task force. One of the barriers will arise from the rank. There may be a problem with the relationship between the cabinet members and those heads of different groups. Sometimes they will have different views and it may be very difficult for them to communicate especially where some members feels shortchanged. For instance, the cabinet members may not easily take advice from the criminal justice official and this may create a big problem in implementation of ideas. This can be solved by the head of the task force by making all the members of the task force to have equal rights and spelling out clearly the main reason for the task force so that they can base their arguments on that. (Shafritz, 2008)

If the task force happens to create a plan, these principles should be presented to the operational staff in form of a report which should have all the details together with the recommendations. These operational staff should be given about two years to put the recommendations into practice. Some of the barriers to communication that may arise between the task force members and the levels of the policy makers revolve around the methods that would be used to implement the principles.  The task force may have difficult time trying to convince the policy makers to implement the principles their way. (Benjamin, 2009)
In conclusion, due to this, lack of enough information on implementation of this principle may be termed as the major barriers to communication. Administrative issues will also pose as the general barriers to communication as most of the departments would like to act on their own while the task force will require them to follow a certain schedule. There is need for the governor to be well prepared as this process or these developments may face a lot of challenges. She should be ready to face and deal with the problems as they arise.


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