Justice and Human Personality

    Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was a strong hold of Christian belief but he criticized the way blacks were treated by the white people. He was confined in Birmingham city and came across some sediment from the clergymen who were calling his activities as untimely and unwise. The clergymen were not happy about laws concerning human personality. The Reverend responded the clergymen that human personality is a gift from God and any law that praises human personality is just (Pyatt, 1986). On the other hand, he criticized any law that degraded the personality of a human being and referred it as unjust.

     Human personality in this context means the individual characteristic that is possessed by an individual. The set of individual characteristic which is organized and dynamic influences his or her behaviors or motives in various situations. Human personality is determined by genetics, environment and the surrounding human experiences. Research shows that human personality is basically influenced by genetics and environment. This is true because the behavior or motives of any particular individual depends on the surrounding environment. Moods, individual opinions and attitudes are some aspects that embrace human personality. Reverend Martin Luther King Jr was very much concerned about what was going on through out the whole States and he moved to Birmingham city where injustice was very much rampant. He sought for justice to be done to many people who were suffering especially the blacks. He saw the whites abuse the blacks and regarded the laws as unjust (Pyatt, 1986).

     The people in Birmingham city staged demonstrations in the streets to demand fro justice but the whites were doing nothing about it. Martin Luther King Jr was very much upset by this humiliating behavior of racism and criticized the church very much about its deeds. Every human being has right to justice and any body that is seen to violate this right must be taken as a criminal. The protection of human personality is the duty of the administration and the clergymen must be on the front line to fight for justice of human race. Human personality therefore is a very important aspect of human life and must be taken care of through proper administration of justice.

    The practices of human beings against each other are some traits that lead to degradation or uplifting of human personality. It is obvious that activities such as slavery, forced labor and violation of human rights lead to uplifting or degradation of human personality. Racism which was very common among the blacks led to slavery which is one of the major critics of Martin Luther King Jr and it is a way of degrading human personality. Freedom on the other hand is one way through which human personality can be uplifted. An unjust law is one that gives the majority power to compel the minority group. A just law is one that gives majority group power to compel the minority follow their will. Just law is a way of uplifting human personality and it is necessary for individuals to learn on how to respect their fellow human beings and apply the rule of justice anytime (Pyatt, 1986). It is known that justice delayed is justice denied so every human being must consider this principle as a way of promoting human personality. Justice is very much related to human personality and the promotion of justice is one step towards promotion of democracy.


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