Over the past years, a lot of racial employment discrimination lawsuits have been filed against different companies resulting into enormous amounts of settlements and agreements. Under the Article VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964, policies have been laid down to prevent these lawsuits.

Companies must implement policies in order for them to avoid any violation under Title VII and its amendments. It is given the companies always look for and hire the most competent and qualified candidate for the job or work that they need. However, as much as the companies have the right to be selective when it comes to their possible employees, they should do so without disobeying or infringing any federal or state laws including The Age Discrimination in Employment Act, ADA or Americans with Disabilities Act, and Title VII of the Civil Right Act. Implementation of a well-organized system is important in a company to ensure that discriminatory hiring is eliminated.

It is essential for companies to hire with utmost care and have job-related inquiries during the interview process. This is a simple policy that all companies must take note of so that no violation shall be infringed. No questions about ones religion, sex, race, etc shall be included in interviews to avoid discrimination. The alarming issue of sexual harassment should be openly publicized to be prohibited in the work place at all times. Also, it is important for a company to have a manual or handbook where the companys objectives, rules and regulations can be found. It should be followed at all times and no employee shall be exempt from any of the rules and vice versa. Everything should be thoroughly explained to the future or new employees.


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