Should Parental Consent Be Required For Minors Abortions

The debate about the right to life has gained momentum for many years without an optimum consensus of the parties concerned. For this reason, many organizations have come up in an endeavor to save the life of young girls from the risk of death as a result of unsafe abortion. Many would ask, what is the core issue of life especially when abortion is concerned The rate at which abortion is carried out is alarming According to a research conducted by Kulczycki (1999), an average of 20-22 million illegal abortions were being conducted annually by then and he predicted an increment in future. Abortion is usually common in urban areas although it is now showing an upward trend in rural areas.

Adolescents are considered to be minor contributors in decision making and their contributions or opinions are in most cases considered least especially when it comes to crucial decision making such as whether to carry out an abortion or not. In many cases minors abortion has a negative effect to her and to the community either directly or indirectly. Her health may be endangered or she may even end up dying (Lee 2003). For example if a girl carries out an abortion and it results to her death as it happens in most cases, her working father or mother will request for a leave from his or her working place. This negatively affects the output of that company or organization. Besides the community suffering the loss of her (the dead girl), it further looses in funeral preparation and other contributions.

Poverty has for years affected many, forcing them to do what they could not even think about if they were well-off. As many males opt to steal due to extreme poverty for example, their female counterparts involve themselves in prostitution. This direct correlation between poverty and abortion is an issue that if not well addressed and as soon as possible it will have a negative impact to the country. For many years, poverty has been subjecting many to abortion at different angles.  This was clearly and thoroughly discussed by Garca (2002) who also expressed concern to address the issue of poverty as a way of curbing abortion.

Religion views abortion as an immoral act that is completely against Gods will and commandments which condemns abortion by considering it as a murder. Despite being religious, the bodily temptations and peer pressure does not guarantee most of the youth of remaining chaste till their marriage. Some girls even become pregnant after falling in relationship with their fellow youth in the same church. Religion has been condemning abortion for years and those who become pregnant out of wedlock choose to abort so as not to be expelled from the church or ostracized by the society. This is because the churchs attitude against abortion is very strong (Nachmias  Guerrero 2006)

Annotated Bibliography
Lee, E. (2003).  Abortion, motherhood, and mental health medicalizing reproduction in the
United States of Great Britain New York, Aldine De Gruyter Press.
The author has shown that there are many psychological problems associated with abortion. Most of these problems occur usually when abortion is done in an insecure way as it happens to most of the minors and may even result to their death. Minors who survive after an abortion may end up having post-abortion health complications. Some women may develop healthy problem, problematic subsequent child bearing, psychological harm and others even suffer emotional shock. Attempts to legalize abortion especially in cases where the mothers life is in danger have been made though most of the religious leaders and their followers are opposed to these efforts.  Biologically, adolescence is characterized by physical, spiritual, mental and even hormonal change.  It is a transitional stage where one changes from childhood to adulthood. Girls at this age are considered as minors and lack enough courage to express themselves especially when it comes to issues that they do consider as against their parents or guardians will. Parents or guardians at this stage are required to have a regular, positive and effective interaction with their minors for this will encourage them to confidently and without fear express themselves. In this way, the parent will be able to assist his or her minor in making appropriate decision regarding crucial matters she may be going through.

Kulczycki, A. (1999). The abortion debate in the world arena. New York Routledge press.
According to Kulczycki, the rate of illegal abortions is alarming.  There is a need to notify or ask the minors parent to consent to minors abortion especially as an option if the minor is unwilling to inform parent. This is because a parent or a legal guardian of an individual naturally bears the right to make decision concerning crucial issues about her and sometimes even without a compromise. Besides, it gives room for professional counselors to counsel the minor accordingly. If the matter is not addressed, then the world may end up having a declining female population as a result of minors death. Rural population is considered less affected by this problem compared to its counterpart in urban areas. This is due to the fact that urban population is more exposed to western culture than rural population. It is also important to note that the act has been witnessed a lot in rural areas in recent years than in the past. The reason behind this upward trend in rural minors abortion is due to the influence from their urban counterparts. Most of the urban minors come from rural areas and when they go upcountry to visit their parents or relatives, they interact with their peers and influence them to involve in the act. This is because the activeness of the body at this age tempts many to try anything sometimes out of curiosity and pressure. Teenage pregnancy is one of the outcomes witnessed. Lack of self confidence and fear of the consequences subject many victims to opt for pregnancy termination hence the need to address the issue seriously.

Garcia, B. (2002). Women, poverty, and demographic change United States, Oxford
University Press.
Garcia expressed concern towards poverty as one of the contributors many illegal abortions. It is also important to note that many teenage marriage (which are mainly out of poverty pressure) where one or both of the partners is below eighteen years of age is considered as an illegal by the law. This is because anybody below eighteen years is considered unable to make a right decision of what is right or wrong to him or her hence the intervention of the law. Large proportion of prostitutions in urban areas comprises of females less than eighteen years. Females at this age are not well informed about the effective contraceptive methods and thus they end up conceiving. Since they feel impossible to carry pregnancy to term, they choose to abort it mainly through cheapest ways possible and away from legal authority. Most of these means of abortion are not safe and they usually end up with many side effects. The choice of whether to carry out an abortion is very crucial owing to the fact that it has effect to the victim, relatives and the society in general. It also has a legal impact when it comes to the issue of the law. The closest person to the minors who become pregnant mostly out of their will are Parents (guardians) and not neighbors, leaders or even teachers. Many of these next of kin opt to subject the pregnant girl to abortion without even giving her an opportunity to express her stand. They mostly do this to evade the shame.

Nachmias, C., F.  Guerrero, A., L. (2006). Social statistics for a diverse society (4th Ed.).
United Kingdom Pine Forge Press.
In their book, the authors clearly showed that, the religious attitude and abortion does not correlate. This is because religions consider abortion as a murder. Religions have been campaigning to condemn the legalization of abortion regardless of whether the mothers life is in danger or not. Religions stands have made many victims to conduct abortions illegally and in hiding as they try to defend their dignity. It happens that most of the minors who become pregnant opt to abort as they consult their fellow minors who usually have little knowledge about it hence ending up endangering their lives.  If abortion was legal and religiously accepted then it could not be a great deal for minors to consult their parents and conduct it in a safe and healthy way. Thus there is a need for parents to consent their minors in abortion. The choice of whether to carry out an abortion or not should be left to the individual after appropriate counseling. This does not mean that parents and of course the next of kin consent on this matter of abortion be overlooked. Their decision is crucial and affects everyone concerned. The awareness of the need for parents to consent their minors abortion should be conducted.


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