The cartoon shows both Cheney and Scalia standing and looking at a large sized duck but Cheney is twisting the fact and calling it a large sized chicken. The real pun is the duck in the center which is named Conflict of Interest . Scalia, on the other hand, is adamant on shooting the Duck or the conflict of interest. This is drawing upon the fact that Scalia in his memorandum wants to kill the conflict of interest, so that it does not exist in front of the public eye.
The cartoon shows both Cheney and Scalia standing and looking at a large sized duck but Cheney is twisting the fact and calling it a large sized chicken. The real pun is the duck in the center which is named Conflict of Interest . Scalia, on the other hand, is adamant on shooting the Duck or the conflict of interest. This is drawing upon the fact that Scalia in his memorandum wants to kill the conflict of interest, so that it does not exist in front of the public eye.
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