Action Case for Business Law

This article contains some information concerning the case of one of the Toronto Law firm by the name of Koskie Minsky which was during that time presenting Heather Robertson. The case is between this law firm and the claims administrator that was appointed by the court by the name of Cole and Partners. Among the other key players that are mentioned in the case are the freelance artists and writers who are receiving advice that there is some further listing of the publications of their works which has been reproduced in form electronic database that is available in court. In other words, this article is about a case of people who are filing claims to be paid because of violation of their copyrighted materials. In this case the plaintiffs are the freelance artists and writers and the defendant are a number of media companies. (Canada NewsWire)

There are times when people just copy materials from other people without consulting them. This is what is referred to as using copyrighted material without authorization of the owner. This is the subject that is discussed by the author in this article. Other than presenting the information about the reason why the case is to be taken to court, the author is also as asking all those freelance writers who may feel that their materials have been used without their jurisdiction to take action. It happens that some people or rather some companies have a habit of using other peoples materials for their financial gains. Some of these materials are then used to create documentaries and other interesting stories which are known to later sell very well. One of the main reason as to why such documentaries may sell well is the fact that there are some information in them from the freelance writers or other people which have been linked together. It is therefore obvious that the original holders of this information should be contacted. Because the material is more likely to be used for commercial purposes, the original holder of the information should be compensated.  (Canada NewsWire)
From the way the author has presented the information in this article, it is clear that he does not encourage people to use other peoples material for their personal gain. This is the reason as to why he is even giving us a figure of the amount of money that the media houses are being asked to pay for using copyrighted materials without permission. In addition, the author is also ready to assist all the other people who feel that their material has been used without their consent to get their justice. This is also the main reason as to why those freelance writers are not required to have any evidence of their material that has been used without their consent. (Canada NewsWire)

In my view, I understand that in the world, there are a good number of very good writers and other good artists. These people struggle very much in life because they do not have the funds to develop their talents. The worst thing happens when such people come from the developing countries. Their ideas and their work are stolen by large cartels which are known to sell these works and generate a lot of income. These people have no power and they have no strength and therefore, there is no way of dealing with these large cartels. It would be advisable to help these people where possible. In this case, I would say that this law firm is doing a good work by assisting these freelance artists and writers as they do not have any other organization to protect them. In addition, those companies that are found using copyrighted materials without the authority of the owner should be imposed great fines so that this can discourage all the other companies that may be engaging in that type of activity.


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