Legalization of Marijuana

The war on drugs in the American nation has proved to be an expensive battle. This is because of the amount of national resources used in arresting, convicting and accommodating in prisons those involved in the drug business. The fight against the use or possession of marijuana is leading in the drug war expenditure due to the fact that it is the most commonly used illegal drug in the nation. However, available scientific evidence show that the use of marijuana is to a bigger extent safer compared to some legalized drugs like cigarettes and alcohol (Yager, Linn,  Leake).

Still, the failure of the government to legalize the use of marijuana in the society has been identified as a revenue loss for the government. No government can collect tax on what it terms as illegal. This means that the government loses tax and at the same time spends in trying to eliminate the use of illegal drugs in the society (Messerli). Many claim that legalizing marijuana will lead to its increased used among the youths of the society. However, it should be understood that available statistics show that despite the many concerted efforts by the government to fight illegal drug use, the rate of use is on the rise.

This paper gives a discussion in support of the thesis that marijuana should be legalized in our nation. The author in particular gives the advantages that could be realized through legalization of marijuana.

Legalization of marijuana and its economic importance
The market value of marijuana has been approximated to be 8.50 per 0.5 grams (Manderson 56). It means that, in an unregulated market like the one we have now, marijuana sellers are making an approximated 6.70. Therefore, it is evident that imposing a tax on marijuana could give the government a substantial amount of revenue (Messerli).

Still, with the legalization of marijuana, the entrepreneurs involved in the business of selling will also increase their production. The market price could relatively fall to a reasonable one once legalized. This cannot happen for now due to the fact that the dealers have to sell it at a price that can afford them premium cost if caught. On the other side, consumption will also increase. All these will be due to the fact that possession and use of the drug will not be subject to legal measures. This means that the government will create a chain of reliable revenue source from a substance that could otherwise eliminate organized criminal groups (Messerli).

Marijuana and the cost on war on drugs
Statistical evidence has it that the rate of use of illegal drugs among the youths has been on the increase over the passed few decades (Gerber 17). This is despite the many efforts by both the federal and state government to eliminate their use in the community. Still clear from these statistics is the fact that the U.S. government is spending billions of dollars in the war against use of illegal drugs among its citizens. Such costs are not only in the sensitizing programs but more in the arrest and conviction of those found in possession of the drugs. Marijuana has been identified as the most common used illegal drug in the American nation (Yager, Linn, and Bake). This means that the biggest population in the American prisons on drug use is convicted of marijuana.

True to the evidence so far available, legal drugs such as tobacco are more dangerous compared to marijuana.  Therefore, first the government should consider the fact that its increased expenditure in the fight is yielding no substantial fruits. In fact, it is increase the cost of housing criminals in jail. Second the government should evaluate the safety of marijuana use compared to other legal drugs like cigarettes and alcohol (Moffate). This makes the legalization of marijuana more logical than investing more tax players money in housing non-dangerous citizens in jail for possessing marijuana.

Legalizing marijuana and the society
There have been many claims by opponents of marijuana legalization that it will increase its abuse among the youth. This is a misconception that must be reversed for the good of our community. It is common knowledge to all members of the society that alcohol and cigarettes are harmful to our health. Even with all this knowledge, how many in the society die of cigarette or alcohol related illness Marijuana has indeed been confirmed to have less harmful side effects compared to these legal drugs (Gerber, 26). It should therefore be legalized not only due to being safer but also as a respect for freedom in the society.

Another thing, failure to legalize marijuana has the impact of increase its secretive abuse by members of the society (Messerli). It is evidently clear that many parents are usually shocked by new that their children were caught by the police in possession of marijuana. This means that many use it without the knowledge of anybody who can offer them guidance. Since by legalizing marijuana many will start using them openly, it will be easier to guide and counsel our young youth on the harm of using it, thus greatly reducing risk of abuse of the drugs.

Marijuana and its medical value
Marijuana has been identified to have a medical value. It is in fact used for relieving the nausea common in people suffering from cancer. Due to its effect of lowering eye pressure, marijuana finds much use in the treatment of glaucoma (Yager, Linn, and Leak). Other medical applications of marijuana are in helping in relieving stress for people with AIDS and multiple sclerosis. Marijuana has been historically used to relieve the mind and thus relax the human. It abuse however could be harmful. Nevertheless, legalizing and creating awareness on the need for using marijuana for medicinal reasons could greatly improve our health.

Apart from these medical applications, it has been established that marijuana has no much side effects to the human body. Indeed, it is evidently clear that the only pronounced risk is the fact that marijuana smoke has more tar and carbon monoxide compared to cigarettes (Manderson 61). However, given the fact that it is rarely useable like cigarettes, it has been established that even the heaviest marijuana smoker will cannot exceed the smoke and carbon monoxide consumption of an average cigarette smoker. This makes marijuana less harmful compared to cigarettes.

From the on going debate on whether or not to legalize marijuana, it is quite clear that marijuana should be legalized. First is due to the fact that is spending so much of non-effective measures of prohibiting marijuana use. Still, the government is losing a lot of revenue in the underground dealings of the drug. It is therefore for the good of our economy and the society in general that marijuana should be legalized.


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