Effects of sexual harassment on the work environment and command climate

Sexual harassment is the act of discriminating people on the basis of their gender through unacceptable sexual approaches. This kind of issues can be found in different areas of the work environment, in different organizations. Sexual harassment also covers verbal and physical acts that are sexual. Requesting for sexual favors during the service of duty is also considered to be sexual harassment. These conditions are applicable when the complainant submits or rejects sexual advances due to the conditions of the offenders job, salary or career. In addition, the conditions are applicable when offender uses his job position to create employment or career development to another person on the basis of achieving sexual favors. Persons are also guilty of this offense when they interfere with the performance of other peoples work or create a work environment that intimidates, offends or is hostile to people so that they can get sexual favors from them (Paludi,  Paludi, 2003).

Sexual harassment happens when a soldier or a civilian worker is influenced, controlled, or affected by the acts of a supervisor or any person in a command position. Unacceptable physical contact, talks or gesture that are sexual in nature are considered to be sexual harassment. It may also occur though nonverbal communication of gender biased messages. Any information that has an irritating effect on the other person is not good and should be stopped. Gender discrimination is also covered in sexual harassment (Shrier, 1996).
The categories of sexual harassment are verbal, nonverbal and physical contact. Verbal sexual harassment includes making calls, talks, whistling or any other verbal communication which is sexual in nature directed to a civilian employee, soldier or family members of either the soldiers or the civilian employees (Hpfl  Czarniawska, 2002). Nonverbal sexual harassment includes acts such as staring at somebody in a sexual manner, or any other body languages that are suggestive in nature. It also includes printed materials such as pictures, cartoons that display sexual objects. The application of sexual screen savers on computers is also considered nonverbal sexual harassment. Physical contact sexual harassment includes the acts of touching another person in a sexual manner. Sexual assault and rape are the worst forms of sexual harassment. These offences are serious criminal acts which attract very severe punishments. People are requested to report such cases to the law enforcing bodies to ensure the culprits are punished (Berger  Searles, 1995).

The types of sexual harassment are Quid Pro Quo and Hostile environment. Quid Pro Quo means something for something. It involves asking sexual favors so as to perform certain tasks. It also covers threats if a person does not accept certain conditions. For example, when superiors demand for sexual favor so that they can promote an employee, and disciplining employees who fail to offer the sexual favors as asked by the superiors. Quid Pro Quo results in discrimination to a person based on sexual relationships. Hostile environment is a type of sexual harassment that happens when a soldier or a civilian is subjected to comments that are unwelcome and relating to sexual harassment.  It is a nonviolent sexual act that creates biases according to the gender of an individual. Such acts include jokes, unwelcome touching, comments, or pictures that relate to sexual harassment. Hostile environment is created in the work place when people suggest sexual statements that are irritating to others. Gender biased activities are also not acceptable and are considered to be sexual harassment (Berger  Searles, 1995).

Methods of dealing with sexual harassment
Soldiers and civilians are responsible to assist in solving problems related to sexual harassment. This can be accomplished through first, direct approach. This involves confronting the person harassing the other and telling himher that the behavior is not acceptable and that they are not pleased by their behavior (Hpfl  Czarniawska, 2002). Courtesy should be used when approaching the harasser so as to avoid conflicts. The procedure and points to deliver to the person involved should be written down so as to have an organized and presentable work. Secondly, indirect approach can also be applied. The person affected can write a letter or an email to the harasser so that they can express their feelings and also suggest the resolutions to them. The letter should state the legal as well as any other remedy that may be sought by the offended person in case the behavior continues (Hpfl  Czarniawska, 2002). Thirdly, the offended party can use a third party to deliver the message to the offender. This involves requesting assistance from another person so as to be directed on the way to stop the behavior of the offending party. The third party is sent to talk to the harasser. Third party can accompany the offended person so as to enable him deliver the message. He can also intervene on behalf of the victim. Fourthly, the victim can use chain of command. The victim reports the harasser to the supervisor or any other responsible person. Other people in the chain of command can be used to resolve the situation. These people have the authority to deal with such cases and can assist in preventing any other similar acts in future. Lastly, the victim can file a formal complaint. There are procedures for filing formal and informal complaints. The victim seeks redress from the court and the harasser is subjected to punishment. This method is used when other methods have failed or when the situation is severe. The court gives remedy to the offended party while the offender is punished so as to stop any future occurrence of a similar situation (Crouch, 2001).

To eliminate sexual harassment within an organization, it has to begin by training the people about identification and prevention of behaviors that are unacceptable. The training should be aggressive and progressive so that the individuals participating in the program can understand the concepts well. Soldiers need to be trained on how to recognize and understand sexual harassment. They also ought to know methods of preventing it and the means of reporting such cases to the relevant authorities. The consequences of such activities are taught to the soldiers so as to equip them fully with all the required skills. Annual training of soldiers should be conducted to ensure they refresh their skills. It can also be done twice per year depending on the severity of the situation (Paludi,  Paludi, 2003).

The quality of training should be emphasized so as to ensure the effective delivery of the required skills in combating sexual harassment. Small groups composed of a mixture of both men and women are established so that they can discuss and interact during the training. Soldiers and civilians are given different scenarios so that they can visualize different situations. The training can also use role playing so that the trainees can understand the concepts well. Training should be appropriate so that different groups can be trained according to their lines of duty. The commander to each unit should assess the quality and contents of the training to ensure adequate skills are taught to their personnel (Shrier, 1996).

Civilian employees are trained on how to define sexual harassment and other gender discrimination activities that they may encounter during their duty of service. They are also taught about the sanctions used to punish people involved in sexual harassment. Methods of dealing with harassers are taught to enable the civilian employees handle the cases with professionalism. The techniques and procedures of filing formal and informal cases are trained to the civilian employees so that they can assist victims of sexual harassment. Adequate training is required of the civilian employees since they are in direct operation with the soldiers and the civilians. They ought to have skills to deal with all groups of people so that they can resolve any problems that are reported to them (Crouch, 2001).

Other officers who need training are junior officers, noncommissioned officers and civilian supervisors. This will enable them reinforce their skills in handling cases that have been brought to them. The training promotes healthy work environment so that the departments can accomplish their mandates. The officers are trained on how to handle and resolve complaints that they encounter. The officers should be responsible when processing formal and informal complaints from victims. They ought to have the skills to deal with the complaints in a professional manner so as to avoid poor handling of cases as well as improve on their communication with superiors (Stein, 1999).

Senior officials are trained on how to foster a healthy command environment. Such senior officials include noncommissioned officers, warrant officers, civilian, managers and other senior officers. They should be trained on how to use appropriate methods to determine a healthy command environment. This training is aimed at increasing the skills learnt during the junior level. They are trained on how to apply the laws relating to sexual harassment (Berger  Searles, 1995).

The training is done by professionals who are qualified enough to handle the topics of sexual harassment. The trainers should be people with good education backgrounds to ensure compliance with the regulations that have been stipulated by the law. They should have a wealth of experience in handling similar cases (Stein, 1999).

Sexual harassment in work environment and command climate has very complicated and serious impacts socially, legally, and ethically. Civilian employees as well as officers should have adequate skills to handle cases concerning sexual harassment. These skills are trained on a regular basis so as to avoid poor handling of complaints by the officers. The work environment should be conducive for all employees to work. The legal system has established measures to prevent cases of sexual harassment. There should be adequate remedies to the victims of sexual harassment since statistics show that there is an increase in the number of cases of sexual harassment recently. More sanctions should be implemented to reduce the cases of sexual harassment.


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