Bill Expands Firefighters Legal Rights

A variety of sentiments both positive and negative have been presented concerning the Legislative Bill 373which was sponsored by Omaha Sen. Scott Lautenbaugh. However, I feel obliged to express my support for the bill and the senator due to the numerous benefits that will accrue once it is enacted

First, everyone knows that firefighting is a dangerous task which is undertaken by our brothers and sisters who also have a right to live like us. In the delivery of their duties, they are exposed to toxic fumes which predispose them to respiratory diseases and blood borne diseases. Incase they fall ill during their tenure or within 90 days after they retire, I feel they are justified to assume that the disease originates from the nature of the job. Moreover, if the bill is enacted it will ensure that the paramedics and the firefighters can have legal rebuttable presumption for a new batch of diseases which are not covered by the law (Hammel, 2010). Still in support of the bill is the fact that it will not have a significant impact on the fiscal budget due to the fact that it allows for the reduction of the presumption period from 5 years to 90 days.

I also express support for the bill since it will cover the emergency service providers who are often exposed to blood borne diseases while in the line of duty. Others who deserve much attention are the EMT basic and the intermediate since they do put their body on the line. These are the people who are involved in pre-hospital emergency medical services. In some extreme cases, the personnel engage in mouth to mouth resuscitation with people whose medical history is unknown to them. Anyway, Sen. Scott Lautenbaugh you have my full support in this (Hammel, 2010).


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